Manga is Art

“I don't remember when exactly I read my first comic book, but I do remember exactly how liberated and subversive I felt as a result.”
Edward W. Said, Palestine

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pixiv Oekaki Chat: Part One

I was touring around some of the different ways our artistic Japanese and Korean counterparts communicate with one another and what sort of social networking they engage in and I happened upon:

Pixiv Chat

Now, I've been with Pixiv for about a year now. For those of you who do not know, Pixiv is the Japanese equivalent to Deviantart without all of the drag-you-down popularity competition. That's not to say there aren't popular artists on Pixiv but it seems their fair exposure is actually fair. When you submit, your art is actually on the front page for people to see. When you type in keywords, it doesn't automatically filter out to the most popular in that tag. It goes from order of submission with the newest pieces popping up first.

I really like this.

Anyway, I started using the chat client a few weeks ago because I was curious about oekaki and what it actually was. Turns out, it can be used a nice form of communication! And pixiv has several different clients that can be used as such:

Pixiv Drawr

And, aside from drawing small little sketch blips in SAI or Manga Studio, having a side little doodle palette online is actually a lot of fun, and it helps to build interest from people in other countries thus stimulation connections between users.

OKAY, so now that the intro is out of the way I wanted to break down how to use these sites or how I understand it thus far starting with Pixiv Chat:

  • #1:   "Now on Air" means that the user created a canvas and is actively drawing in the client. To join them, click inside the blue square (and I will cover that screen a little later).
  • #2:   This is the topic or what the user is doing in the chat. Sometimes, I noticed, people will create different rooms for different things. I've seen rooms range from adult themed inflation to yaoi to random girly doodles. 
  • #3:   This is the user's name
  • #4:   This tells you how many people are in this persons room. 
  • #5:   I'm not sure what the Japanese says but I think it means: "My page". If you're using the client for the first time it will ask you to log in and all you need to do is log in with your pixiv account ID.
  • #6:   The "Help" Button
  • #7:   "Log out"
  • #8:   This is a typical search bar. I would use the Japanese tags if you're looking for something. For instance if I wanted to find someone drawing "Slayers" stuff I would instead type "スレイヤーズ"
  • #9:   I believe these are popular tags or recent tags. I'm not quite sure.  
Page Two:

(Inactive Room or Expired Session)

  • #1:   The screen with the giant "Play" button on it is a recording of the session thus far or, if the session has expired, is simply a recording of that session. A few days ago I held a little Slayers: Xellos session to learn the client and using it as an example.
  • #2:   These are occasional static snapshots that Pixiv takes. I'm not sure how frequent these are but it allows you to click on and it will pop up in another window as an image file.
  • #?:   I'm unsure what this box does...really.
  • #3:   The "Subject Line" of the chat room
  • #4:   Tags list
  • #5:   A description box. 
  • #6:   Pixiv user information with a clickable link to my user profile.
  • #7:   A list of users will pop up in this box. Since I was the only one in my room it just counts me.
  • #?:   Not sure what this box does either...
  • #8:   A handy-dandy twitter button. This will notify your followers that you are currently in chat or if you want to share what you've done.
  • #9:   Same thing only a link if you want to post it in FB or another area of the net.

Active room changes:

  • #1:   If you click a live room this is what the side bar will look like.
  • #2:   "Log in with your pixiv account"
  • #3:   "Log in as a guest"
"My Page" (page 3)
  • #1:   "Create Room" button
  • #2:   "To use this software, you must have Java installed" ..I think.
  • #3:   A view of my user history



This is the first installment to the Interface at Pixiv chat. The next blog post I'll go over how to create a room and the third I'll talk about the actual drawing client!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A little angry...

 As I stated in a previous blog I've been pretty upset all day. First, WoW isn't working the way it should which is annoying  because when I can't get my pen moving I like to relax with some video games. But no. That was a bust. Second, my computer magically erases 2 chapters of my doujinshi which was enough to make me cry. Seriously. a little kid. Mostly because of the kind of work that goes into creating a comic book of any variety and..poof. Gone. The stress was enough to give me a monster sized headache that attacked me all day long. /ugh

To be honest though I'm not really worried about the WoW thing but my art? Shit. I could have punched puppies I was so mad.
And lastly, I got into a sort of shit fight with my sister. I hate fighting with my family mostly because it opens up old wounds that have seriously yet to heal. Talking to them reminds me of just how hated and neglected I was as a youngster and even now. They have a special way of making me feel useless, worthless, unwanted and only good to be around if they want something. And the excuses for the neglect are unbelievable half the time but...I think over time I've become numb to the thoughts until we start to converse and she was being particularly disrespectful.

Anyway, it's been emotional and irritating but I'm still pushing forward regardless. Giving up is just not in my base programing. I drew these little bits to calm myself down and think a little bit. The first one is Xellos and Lina Inverse from Slayers (I'm working on a doujinshi so it'll be Slayers fanart for a while!). I actually drew this last night but kept tweaking it and this is the final result. The second one was ...well, the calming piece.

Usually when I get pissed off like earlier I draw angry art but not tonight. I decided to draw something a little calmer, sensual even. I think my wonderful crack OTP is perfect subject matter for my learning experience and they have a fond place in my crooked little mind. The intent was to calm but I still feel pretty tense. I think I need some sleep we gooooo!

Sketches volume 1

For your face: Bunch of Slayers stuff. WEE!

 <---this one was for a forum post "Draw the poster above you" ...nobody drew for me but dammit, I sure did for them. Oh well.
 Luna MUST tortured everyone she comes across. This was a question posed to me. Seriously, you should all know better.
 <--this was a follow up sketch to "Eve of Battle"
 Ubrizael; an angel and a jerk.
( ̄□ ̄;)
 Lina Inverse for Deb Aoki It was her birthday so.. Yeah!
 LS request. Timmy says "Xellos eating a donut!" And this is the result.
 Gaav. I think "Chaos Dragon" sounds f*kin cool as hell.
 Luna, Xellos, Spot. And a butterfly.
 Gourry for the ever awesome HLrespect!!

<--Milgazia and Filia

Gourry and Lina-->

 Ok, loads of art.

New paintings #1

Well, it's been a day of...irritation. Earlier today I discovered that Chapters 6 and 7 of my doujinshi was deleted and all I did was restart my computer.

Thanks windows!

Anyway, it's ok...I'll just redraw it and be back on the road.

Here are some new paintings!

"Eve of Battle" Xellos and Luna Inverse beating each other up. I really like the way this came out though I know it still needs some work...for my next piece, it'll be a lot better.
"Bleeds Light" Luna Inverse from Slayers
"Path of Destruction" Lina Inverse from Slayers. Working on background and foreground integration as well as composition and color.