Manga is Art

“I don't remember when exactly I read my first comic book, but I do remember exactly how liberated and subversive I felt as a result.”
Edward W. Said, Palestine

Monday, August 23, 2010

comics, New York and ever growing optimism?

Ok; so here's what's crackin; I've finished writing the major bullet points for "Descendant" Part 1 and Part 2. There are some combat things I'm going through ut then I doesn't matter in Manga, really even though some things need to be explained but not as much as I thought they did; be excited because, I am!

I am still working on MICC contest entry but my work keeps improving everytime I put pen to paper and I finally was able to get some Zebra G nibs on sale at JetPens! (woo!) I need paper and some better ink**, but I'm working on it. A few months ago (when I had school) I gobbled up every Canson 11 x 17 pad of comic boards I could find but the American variety is way to expensive and the paper is took thick (in terms of working with these pens) and Felts just don't cut it. I need real manga paper that is the equivalent to 11 x 17; I haven't yet decided if I want to start Descendant on paper but if I do, I'm going to just stick with it. No point in doing all that work and then shoving it in a computer. My only issue at that point will be lettering so, if I have a job by then, I'll eb looking for someone to do that. Probably a family member or...someone I make friends with or something.

I'm still looking for someone to help me gather materials for backgrounds, but I figured DA is a good enough dumping ground for all of that so I'll use it to my advantage. I can forsee running into snags...with me shaking real bad when I ink to not having enough paper to how am I going to scan it all when I finally do get some of it's gonna be difficult to tackle some of these issues but I may have people I can rely on for funds of such a nature and with x-mas (ugh) coming up, I can ask someone to dump funds in my paypal account so I can order the proper materials.

Anyway, my search for a regular job is still unerway. There are some fast food joints and stuff around here that I can work within walking distance so I've been trying to wait for an opening as soon as one comes up.

I hate fast food, but I'm good at it and willing to accept it provided they don't jerk me around like my prior fast food job.

Wingstop is pretty cool and it's all over the country (except Rapid City, SD; DAMN YOOOOO!!!) so I may go there and ask for manager staff and move to the state of my choice when I move on up because...I don't want to stay in Texas. My brother lives in Pittsburg and he was trying to convince me to move to NY with him so we can be penniless artists. How does that even work? The whole penniless thing? Well, New York isn't very commercial artist friendly, I don't think...if they have real comic book adventurers coming out of New York, I haven't seen 'em...not to say they don't exist (that would be stupid, right?) but I haven't really heard of them (or seen any...) Comic books, animation and video games are more of a West Coast thing...honestly, where I think I belong. Or closer to; I miss the desert/plains. But the thing is with major metropolitan areas they have a lot of people and a lot of people means a lot of backgrounds so I'm sure if I posted the words "I need a comic book inker" I'm sure SOMEONE in the fine city of New York, someone would answer the call. And they are known for their excellent gammer and academia. I don't know...isn't New York more of a "wall-street" "come here if you want to own AIG" or something? That would be awesome. Maybe someone would invest in the possibility that comic books could be one of those awesome international trading opportunities. I see it...but I know a lot of people who hate comic books (and frankly, they hate you too BUSTER!! ) But that's alright. I love it anyway.

Wow...I typed for a long time.

My only real intention was to tell you what was going on with my LIIIIFIIIIIIIFFFFEEEE!!!!)

I miss you guys; truly, I do want to get back on here and get the community cheering. I have good ideas...just need the stuff to get it done. But at least I can start, right?


** Maybe it's just because I need to practice with the G nib and crow quill, but the nib won't write on the Canson; this is not a thin or cheap paper and the nibs are not speedball (I don't like speedball) This is that, heavy bristol from Strathmore and I have some art boardz I found at the comic book store. I have probably around a hundred sheets of this, but the manga paper (the professional Maxxon paper) 11 x 17 equivalent is light and smoother so the lines flow real well. I've been practicing, maybe I just need to find my hand on it, but the felts look like crap except when I'm paneling and I plan to use my felts for the speech bubbles...good luck with me writing though, noone will be able to read it!! **AHHH